Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why Medela? (Comparison with other pumps)

Loved; Sharifah Nurul Ain at 1:42 AM
Pumps for breast feeding mothers come in a bewildering array of varieties and features. It is important that a woman know and weigh her choices carefully to try to choose the right pump the first time. A breast pump is a "personal use item" and cannot be returned to the store after it has been used.

A breast pump can be electric powered or manual powered by hand or even foot. The electric models fall into three categories by quality and price, and the manual ones are a category by themselves.

True, there are other brands of breast pumps on the market. There is no disputing the longevity of Medela in the breast pumps market at 50 and 60 years respectively.
This is the same information as contained on our breast pump comparison pages, but with the Medela brand grouped all together. As one can see, there are more Medela breast pumps than any other brand of breast pumps that we know of. I count twelve. Those pumps most suitable for daily use are the Freestyle, Medela Pump in Style Advanced or Original, The Symphony, The Classic, and the Lactina. Those breast pumps most appropriate for occasional use are the Double Select, Single Deluxe, The Swing, The Harmony, and the other manual breast pumps.

The outstanding feature of the newest Medela breast pumps is 2-Phase Expression. This feature is meant to imitate the sucking patterns of infants when they first begin to breastfeed -- fast and shallow sucking at first, then slow and deep sucking after let-down or milk-ejection has occurred. The switch to the second phase occurs automatically after two minutes or a mother may depress a button to make the switch if her let-down occurs sooner. Two-Phase Expression is available in the Freestyle, Medela Pump in Style ADVANCED, the Symphony, the Swing and the Harmony. In the case of the Harmony, which is a manual breast pump, two phases are achieved by switching from squeezing one part of the handle to another part of the handle.


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